Neuquén – Plottier – Cipolletti

Neuquén – Plottier – Cipolletti is an Agglomeration in Argentina that joins the cities of Neuquén, Cipolletti and Plottier, on the provinces of Neuquén and Río Negro. the settlement is on the Confluence between the rivers Limay and Neuquén, forming the río Negro (black river), this zone is known as Comahue and is the most important settlement of population in Patagonia.

Neuquén – Plottier – Cipolletti

Neuquén – Plottier – Cipolletti is an Agglomeration in Argentina that joins the cities of Neuquén, Cipolletti and Plottier, on the provinces of Neuquén and Río Negro. the settlement is on the Confluence between the rivers Limay and Neuquén, forming the río Negro (black river), this zone is known as Comahue and is the most important settlement of population in Patagonia.