Newcastle Police Stables

The Newcastle Police Stables on Clinton Street in Toodyay, Western Australia were constructed in 1891 and replaced the original timber stables erected on this site in 1860, which were destroyed by fire. In 1970 the stables were classified by the National Trust and included on the permanent Register of the National Estate in 1978 as part of the Newcastle Gaol, Lock-up and Stables Group. The stables along with the 1907 police lock-up were listed separately from the gaol complex on the municipal inventory to enable nomination to the National Trust classified list.

Newcastle Police Stables

The Newcastle Police Stables on Clinton Street in Toodyay, Western Australia were constructed in 1891 and replaced the original timber stables erected on this site in 1860, which were destroyed by fire. In 1970 the stables were classified by the National Trust and included on the permanent Register of the National Estate in 1978 as part of the Newcastle Gaol, Lock-up and Stables Group. The stables along with the 1907 police lock-up were listed separately from the gaol complex on the municipal inventory to enable nomination to the National Trust classified list.