Next of Kihn

Next of Kihn is a 1978 studio album by American singer-songwriter Greg Kihn. It was the third and last album to be released under the name Greg Kihn before the group changed into The Greg Kihn Band in 1979. Next of Kihn has a notable darker sound than its predecessors and features longer and more complex compositions. The album's centerpiece "Remember" was recorded live in one single take.

Next of Kihn

Next of Kihn is a 1978 studio album by American singer-songwriter Greg Kihn. It was the third and last album to be released under the name Greg Kihn before the group changed into The Greg Kihn Band in 1979. Next of Kihn has a notable darker sound than its predecessors and features longer and more complex compositions. The album's centerpiece "Remember" was recorded live in one single take.