Nia Glassie abuse case

The Nia Glassie abuse case was a high-profile criminal investigation and subsequent murder trial concerning the abuse and death of a 3-year-old girl in Rotorua, New Zealand. Nia Marie Glassie was a 3-year-old girl abused and eventually killed by her mother's boyfriend and his brothers. Her death caused major outrage in New Zealand, resulting in numerous media reports and causing the Prime Minister, Helen Clark, to speak out about the case.

Nia Glassie abuse case

The Nia Glassie abuse case was a high-profile criminal investigation and subsequent murder trial concerning the abuse and death of a 3-year-old girl in Rotorua, New Zealand. Nia Marie Glassie was a 3-year-old girl abused and eventually killed by her mother's boyfriend and his brothers. Her death caused major outrage in New Zealand, resulting in numerous media reports and causing the Prime Minister, Helen Clark, to speak out about the case.