Nightmare on Grace Street

"Nightmare on Grace Street" is the third episode of the third season of the animated comedy series The Cleveland Show, The episode aired on Fox in the United States on October 30, 2011. This episode is written by Jonathan Green and Gabe Miller and directed by Phil Allora. This episode received mostly mixed to positive reviews from critics for its storyline and many cultural references. According to Nielsen ratings, it was viewed by 4.66 million homes in its original airing. It features from guest performance from Jill Latiano, as well as several recurring voice actors and actresses from the series.

Nightmare on Grace Street

"Nightmare on Grace Street" is the third episode of the third season of the animated comedy series The Cleveland Show, The episode aired on Fox in the United States on October 30, 2011. This episode is written by Jonathan Green and Gabe Miller and directed by Phil Allora. This episode received mostly mixed to positive reviews from critics for its storyline and many cultural references. According to Nielsen ratings, it was viewed by 4.66 million homes in its original airing. It features from guest performance from Jill Latiano, as well as several recurring voice actors and actresses from the series.