Nikki Kelly

Nicola Caroline Kelly (born 23 November 1951) is an English actress, who is best known for her role as Sylvia Garnsey in the long-running British sitcom Hi-de-Hi!. Born in Leamington Spa in Warwickshire, Kelly is the great-niece of eminent actor and theatrical manager Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson, who co-founded RADA in 1904. His daughter, and Kelly's aunt, was actress Jean Forbes-Robertson, best known for portraying Peter Pan on stage.

Nikki Kelly

Nicola Caroline Kelly (born 23 November 1951) is an English actress, who is best known for her role as Sylvia Garnsey in the long-running British sitcom Hi-de-Hi!. Born in Leamington Spa in Warwickshire, Kelly is the great-niece of eminent actor and theatrical manager Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson, who co-founded RADA in 1904. His daughter, and Kelly's aunt, was actress Jean Forbes-Robertson, best known for portraying Peter Pan on stage.