Nine Choucroun

Nine Choucroun, born Fortunée Schecroun (October 6, 1896 – December 10, 1978) was a French biochemist. She was director of research at the in Paris. She developed, inter alia, the electrophoresis. Collaborator of Jean Perrin, she became his partner after the death of his wife Henriette in 1938. She managed to board the ocean liner Massilia that allowed them to escape with part of the French government in June 1940 to Casablanca, boarding later the SS Excambion in December 1941, arriving in New York City on December 23, 1941.

Nine Choucroun

Nine Choucroun, born Fortunée Schecroun (October 6, 1896 – December 10, 1978) was a French biochemist. She was director of research at the in Paris. She developed, inter alia, the electrophoresis. Collaborator of Jean Perrin, she became his partner after the death of his wife Henriette in 1938. She managed to board the ocean liner Massilia that allowed them to escape with part of the French government in June 1940 to Casablanca, boarding later the SS Excambion in December 1941, arriving in New York City on December 23, 1941.