
Nishmat (Hebrew: נִשְׁמַת‎ or Nishmat Kol Chai 'the soul of every living thing') is a Jewish prayer that is recited following the Song of the Sea during Pesukei D'Zimrah but before Yishtabach on Shabbat and Yom Tov. It is also recited during the Passover seder in some traditions.


Nishmat (Hebrew: נִשְׁמַת‎ or Nishmat Kol Chai 'the soul of every living thing') is a Jewish prayer that is recited following the Song of the Sea during Pesukei D'Zimrah but before Yishtabach on Shabbat and Yom Tov. It is also recited during the Passover seder in some traditions.