No. 3 (Royal Auxiliary Air Force) Police Squadron

No 3 (Royal Auxiliary Air Force) Police Squadron formed as a consequence of the assumptions made in the Strategic Defence Review, presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Defence (then the Rt. Hon. George Robertson MP) in July 1998. Specifically, this recognised that deployed air operations are likely to take place at the end of a long supply chain or line of communication. Control of this line of communication ia a task which falls to the service military police organisations: The Royal Air Force Police and the Royal Military Police. To undertake this expanded task, the establishment of the RAF Police was increased by a number of both regular personnel and reservists. After a study, it was decided that the most effective way for the reservists to be formed was as members of t

No. 3 (Royal Auxiliary Air Force) Police Squadron

No 3 (Royal Auxiliary Air Force) Police Squadron formed as a consequence of the assumptions made in the Strategic Defence Review, presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Defence (then the Rt. Hon. George Robertson MP) in July 1998. Specifically, this recognised that deployed air operations are likely to take place at the end of a long supply chain or line of communication. Control of this line of communication ia a task which falls to the service military police organisations: The Royal Air Force Police and the Royal Military Police. To undertake this expanded task, the establishment of the RAF Police was increased by a number of both regular personnel and reservists. After a study, it was decided that the most effective way for the reservists to be formed was as members of t