
Normaliz is a free computer algebra system developed by Winfried Bruns, Robert Koch (1998–2002), Bogdam Ichim (2007/08) and Christof Soeger (2009–2016). It is published under the GNU General Public License version 2. Normaliz has interfaces to several general computer algebra systems: CoCoA, GAP, Macaulay2 and Singular. It can be used interactively via its Python interface PyNormaliz. Its use in SageMath is in preparation. Jesús A. De_Loera cites Normaliz among his favorite programs for computing Hilbert basis.


Normaliz is a free computer algebra system developed by Winfried Bruns, Robert Koch (1998–2002), Bogdam Ichim (2007/08) and Christof Soeger (2009–2016). It is published under the GNU General Public License version 2. Normaliz has interfaces to several general computer algebra systems: CoCoA, GAP, Macaulay2 and Singular. It can be used interactively via its Python interface PyNormaliz. Its use in SageMath is in preparation. Jesús A. De_Loera cites Normaliz among his favorite programs for computing Hilbert basis.