November 1933 German parliamentary election

Parliamentary elections in Germany took place on 12 November 1933. They were the first since the Nazi Party seized complete power with the passage of the Enabling Act in March. All opposition parties had been banned by this time, and voters were presented with a single list containing Nazis and 22 non-party "guests" of the Nazi Party. These "guests", who included the likes of Alfred Hugenberg, still fully supported the regime of Adolf Hitler in any event.

November 1933 German parliamentary election

Parliamentary elections in Germany took place on 12 November 1933. They were the first since the Nazi Party seized complete power with the passage of the Enabling Act in March. All opposition parties had been banned by this time, and voters were presented with a single list containing Nazis and 22 non-party "guests" of the Nazi Party. These "guests", who included the likes of Alfred Hugenberg, still fully supported the regime of Adolf Hitler in any event.