Nuffield Gutty

The name Nuffield Gutty was used for three prototype vehicles built in 1947 in an attempt to meet a British War Department specification for a to replace the American Jeep that was in service in large numbers following the war. This vehicle featured a horizontally opposed 4-cylinder engine similar to that designed for the planned small post-war car to be called the Morris Mosquito, that eventually appeared (with a conventional vertical side-valve engine) as the Morris Minor. The confusingly similar name "Nuffield Guppy" had previously been used for an unrelated prototype vehicle.

Nuffield Gutty

The name Nuffield Gutty was used for three prototype vehicles built in 1947 in an attempt to meet a British War Department specification for a to replace the American Jeep that was in service in large numbers following the war. This vehicle featured a horizontally opposed 4-cylinder engine similar to that designed for the planned small post-war car to be called the Morris Mosquito, that eventually appeared (with a conventional vertical side-valve engine) as the Morris Minor. The confusingly similar name "Nuffield Guppy" had previously been used for an unrelated prototype vehicle.