
Nuliajuk is a goddess of the Netsilik Inuit. According to Rasmussen Nuliajuk lives on the bottom of the sea and controls sea mammals (seals, walruses, and sea lions). Whenever humans neglect to observe ritual prohibitions, she imprisons the sea-mammals within the under her lamp (making them unavailable to hunters), so that shamans must conjure her so as to release them.Nuliajuk is co-wife with Isarraitaitsoq; their husband is the scorpionfish god Kanajuk. They have an adopted baby, which they stole "from a sleeping mother when her husband was out hunting at the breathing holes".


Nuliajuk is a goddess of the Netsilik Inuit. According to Rasmussen Nuliajuk lives on the bottom of the sea and controls sea mammals (seals, walruses, and sea lions). Whenever humans neglect to observe ritual prohibitions, she imprisons the sea-mammals within the under her lamp (making them unavailable to hunters), so that shamans must conjure her so as to release them.Nuliajuk is co-wife with Isarraitaitsoq; their husband is the scorpionfish god Kanajuk. They have an adopted baby, which they stole "from a sleeping mother when her husband was out hunting at the breathing holes".