Nurettin Demirtaş

Nurettin Demirtaş (born 1972) is a former Kurdish politician of the Democratic Society Party (DTP) in Turkey and a member of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). He grew up and attended secondary school in Diyarbakır. He then studied business at university in Muğla, where he was arrested in 1993 for his political activities. He spent the following 12 years in prison. After his release he became the founding president of an association for the development of civil society. On 28 May 2006 he was arrested after having attended a funeral of members of the PKK and spent 4 months in prison.

Nurettin Demirtaş

Nurettin Demirtaş (born 1972) is a former Kurdish politician of the Democratic Society Party (DTP) in Turkey and a member of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). He grew up and attended secondary school in Diyarbakır. He then studied business at university in Muğla, where he was arrested in 1993 for his political activities. He spent the following 12 years in prison. After his release he became the founding president of an association for the development of civil society. On 28 May 2006 he was arrested after having attended a funeral of members of the PKK and spent 4 months in prison.