Nymphaion (Crimea)

Nýmphaion (Greek: Νύμφαιον, Latin: Nymphaeum, Ukrainian: Німфей, Russian: Нимфей), also known as Nymphaion on the Pontus (Ancient Greek: Νύμφαιον τὸ ἐν τῷ Πόντῳ), was a significant centre of the Bosporan Kingdom, situated on the Crimean shore of the Cimmerian Bosporus. Today it is located near the resort town Heroivske/Geroevskoye. It lies at a distance of about 14 kilometers south of Kerch, which was the site of ancient Panticapaeum.

Nymphaion (Crimea)

Nýmphaion (Greek: Νύμφαιον, Latin: Nymphaeum, Ukrainian: Німфей, Russian: Нимфей), also known as Nymphaion on the Pontus (Ancient Greek: Νύμφαιον τὸ ἐν τῷ Πόντῳ), was a significant centre of the Bosporan Kingdom, situated on the Crimean shore of the Cimmerian Bosporus. Today it is located near the resort town Heroivske/Geroevskoye. It lies at a distance of about 14 kilometers south of Kerch, which was the site of ancient Panticapaeum.