OTSEM (Old Testament Studies: Epistemologies and Methods) is a research network of several Northern European universities. Originally Nordic-German in nature, it now includes British universities as well, which gives it a Nordic-German-Anglo profile. The organization focuses on research into the Hebrew Bible and promotes the development of young scholars in particular, especially through annual seminars and special lectures. Though encompassing theological faculties and using the term Old Testament, OTSEM is non-confessional, with members from Christian (both Protestant and Catholic), Jewish, Muslim, and secular backgrounds.


OTSEM (Old Testament Studies: Epistemologies and Methods) is a research network of several Northern European universities. Originally Nordic-German in nature, it now includes British universities as well, which gives it a Nordic-German-Anglo profile. The organization focuses on research into the Hebrew Bible and promotes the development of young scholars in particular, especially through annual seminars and special lectures. Though encompassing theological faculties and using the term Old Testament, OTSEM is non-confessional, with members from Christian (both Protestant and Catholic), Jewish, Muslim, and secular backgrounds.