
Obazoa (Brown et al., 2013) is a proposed sister clade of Amoebozoa (which together form Amorphea). Obazoa is composed of Breviatea, Apusomonadida and Opisthokonta, and specifically excludes the Amoebozoa. The term Obazoa is based on the OBA acronym for Opisthokonta, Breviatea, and Apusomonadida. One view of the great kingdoms and their stem groups.


Obazoa (Brown et al., 2013) is a proposed sister clade of Amoebozoa (which together form Amorphea). Obazoa is composed of Breviatea, Apusomonadida and Opisthokonta, and specifically excludes the Amoebozoa. The term Obazoa is based on the OBA acronym for Opisthokonta, Breviatea, and Apusomonadida. One view of the great kingdoms and their stem groups.