Oberfohren Memorandum

Allegedly authored in spring 1933 by German national-conservative politician Ernst Oberfohren, the Oberfohren Memorandum advocated, that the Reichstag fire of February 27, 1933 had been planned by Hermann Göring and Joseph Goebbels and carried out by a group of National Socialist officers. Although rejected as a fabrication by the Nazis, its origins remained mainly unclear until the end of World War II. From 1959 to 1962 author Fritz Tobias published his research in Der Spiegel magazin and in his work The Reichstag Fire: Legend and Truth, asserting that the document was a forgery, produced and circulated in 1933 by German Communist journalist émigrés in France.

Oberfohren Memorandum

Allegedly authored in spring 1933 by German national-conservative politician Ernst Oberfohren, the Oberfohren Memorandum advocated, that the Reichstag fire of February 27, 1933 had been planned by Hermann Göring and Joseph Goebbels and carried out by a group of National Socialist officers. Although rejected as a fabrication by the Nazis, its origins remained mainly unclear until the end of World War II. From 1959 to 1962 author Fritz Tobias published his research in Der Spiegel magazin and in his work The Reichstag Fire: Legend and Truth, asserting that the document was a forgery, produced and circulated in 1933 by German Communist journalist émigrés in France.