
Obrazovanshchina (Russian: образованщина, 'educationdom', 'educaties', 'smatterers') is a Russian ironical, derogatory term for a category of people with superficial education who lack the higher ethics of an educated person. Wykształciuchy is a similar term used in Poland, a country that shares the concept of 'intelligentsia' with Russia. A similar criticism of Russian intelligentsia came from Nikolai Berdyaev, who coined the ironic word intelligentshchina for the part of intelligentia locked in their own world, isolated from the rest of the Russian society.


Obrazovanshchina (Russian: образованщина, 'educationdom', 'educaties', 'smatterers') is a Russian ironical, derogatory term for a category of people with superficial education who lack the higher ethics of an educated person. Wykształciuchy is a similar term used in Poland, a country that shares the concept of 'intelligentsia' with Russia. A similar criticism of Russian intelligentsia came from Nikolai Berdyaev, who coined the ironic word intelligentshchina for the part of intelligentia locked in their own world, isolated from the rest of the Russian society.