Ogi Jun

"Ogi Jun" is the seventeenth episode of the American television drama series The Killing, and the fourth of its second season, which aired on April 15, 2012. The episode is written by Jeremy Doner and is directed by Phil Abraham. In the episode, the detectives learn the identity of the bearer of the Ogi Jun manga tattoo; Jamie Wright (Eric Ladin) and Darren Richmond (Billy Campbell) discuss the future of the campaign; and Stan Larsen (Brent Sexton) learns that he is not free of his mob past.

Ogi Jun

"Ogi Jun" is the seventeenth episode of the American television drama series The Killing, and the fourth of its second season, which aired on April 15, 2012. The episode is written by Jeremy Doner and is directed by Phil Abraham. In the episode, the detectives learn the identity of the bearer of the Ogi Jun manga tattoo; Jamie Wright (Eric Ladin) and Darren Richmond (Billy Campbell) discuss the future of the campaign; and Stan Larsen (Brent Sexton) learns that he is not free of his mob past.