Ogilvie Aerodrome

Ogilvie Aerodrome formerly Ogilvie River Aerodrome (IATA: FS4, TC LID: CFS4) is a registered aerodrome located near in the Yukon, Canada and has a 50 ft (15 m) wide runway that receives no maintenance. During the late-1960s to early-1970s the Canadian Forces used this strip as a place to offload equipment and supplies in the construction of the steel bridge over the Oglive River which was carried out by stationed at CFB Chilliwack in British Columbia.

Ogilvie Aerodrome

Ogilvie Aerodrome formerly Ogilvie River Aerodrome (IATA: FS4, TC LID: CFS4) is a registered aerodrome located near in the Yukon, Canada and has a 50 ft (15 m) wide runway that receives no maintenance. During the late-1960s to early-1970s the Canadian Forces used this strip as a place to offload equipment and supplies in the construction of the steel bridge over the Oglive River which was carried out by stationed at CFB Chilliwack in British Columbia.