Old Clovis Post Office

The Old Clovis Post Office at 4th and Mitchell Sts. in Clovis, New Mexico is a former post office built in 1931. It includes elements of Classical Revival and Mission/Spanish Revival architecture. It has also served as the Clovis-Carver Public Library. It is a two-story building with a hipped and flat roof, built on an ashlar sandstone basement. It has various tan shades of brick in its walls and its roof is light-brown and orange tile. The building is significant as a public works project during the Great Depression. It was built in the same year as the Hotel Clovis, which is also NRHP-listed.

Old Clovis Post Office

The Old Clovis Post Office at 4th and Mitchell Sts. in Clovis, New Mexico is a former post office built in 1931. It includes elements of Classical Revival and Mission/Spanish Revival architecture. It has also served as the Clovis-Carver Public Library. It is a two-story building with a hipped and flat roof, built on an ashlar sandstone basement. It has various tan shades of brick in its walls and its roof is light-brown and orange tile. The building is significant as a public works project during the Great Depression. It was built in the same year as the Hotel Clovis, which is also NRHP-listed.