On Mark Engineering

On Mark Engineering was an American aircraft remanufacturing company established in 1954 at Van Nuys Airport in California. Its most significant products were rebuilding military surplus A-26 Invaders into executive transports—the Marketeer with an unpressurized fuselage and the Marksman with fuselage pressurization. On Mark converted 41 Douglas B-26s into one YB-26K and 40 B-26K Counter-Invaders (later redesignated A-26A) for counterinsurgency missions with the US Air Force. On Mark also undertook conversion work of a Boeing 377 Stratocruiser into the prototype Pregnant Guppy for Aero Spacelines.

On Mark Engineering

On Mark Engineering was an American aircraft remanufacturing company established in 1954 at Van Nuys Airport in California. Its most significant products were rebuilding military surplus A-26 Invaders into executive transports—the Marketeer with an unpressurized fuselage and the Marksman with fuselage pressurization. On Mark converted 41 Douglas B-26s into one YB-26K and 40 B-26K Counter-Invaders (later redesignated A-26A) for counterinsurgency missions with the US Air Force. On Mark also undertook conversion work of a Boeing 377 Stratocruiser into the prototype Pregnant Guppy for Aero Spacelines.