On the Edge of Magellanic Clouds

On the Edge of Magellanic Clouds (Russian: На краю Магеллановых облаков) is a fiction book, published in 1998. It includes three stories: "On the Edge of Magellanic Cloud" by Andrei Gusev, "Nights after" (Russian: Ночи вослед) by Sergei Aman and "Silent abode" (Russian: Тихая обитель) by Oleg Birukov. These are stories from Russian life at the end of the 20th century.

On the Edge of Magellanic Clouds

On the Edge of Magellanic Clouds (Russian: На краю Магеллановых облаков) is a fiction book, published in 1998. It includes three stories: "On the Edge of Magellanic Cloud" by Andrei Gusev, "Nights after" (Russian: Ночи вослед) by Sergei Aman and "Silent abode" (Russian: Тихая обитель) by Oleg Birukov. These are stories from Russian life at the end of the 20th century.