One-storied America

One-storied America (Одноэтажная Америка) is a 1937 book based on a published travelogue across the United States by two Soviet authors, Ilf and Petrov. The book, divided into eleven chapters and in the uninhibited humorous style typical of Ilf and Petrov, paints a multi-faceted picture of the USA. America's entrepreneurial skills and economic achievements are praised, the oppression of the blacks, the life of the Indians in the reservations and the oppression of workers are denounced. The title of the book refers to their impression that the cities of America consist mainly of one and two-story buildings, in complete contrast to the popular image of America as the land of skyscrapers. Based on this sentence:

One-storied America

One-storied America (Одноэтажная Америка) is a 1937 book based on a published travelogue across the United States by two Soviet authors, Ilf and Petrov. The book, divided into eleven chapters and in the uninhibited humorous style typical of Ilf and Petrov, paints a multi-faceted picture of the USA. America's entrepreneurial skills and economic achievements are praised, the oppression of the blacks, the life of the Indians in the reservations and the oppression of workers are denounced. The title of the book refers to their impression that the cities of America consist mainly of one and two-story buildings, in complete contrast to the popular image of America as the land of skyscrapers. Based on this sentence: