Onobrychis venosa

Onobrychis venosa, veined sainfoin is a perennial, spreading or suberect herb 10–25 cm high, with a short stem. Leaves alternate, compound, imparipinnate, leaflets ovoid to suborbicular 10-40 x 5–30 mm with characteristic bronze venation (hence venosa), hairy only along margins. Zygomorphic flowers with yellow petals with conspicuous dark-red nerves in axillary racemes. Flowers from February to May. The fruit is a circular flattened hairy pod.

Onobrychis venosa

Onobrychis venosa, veined sainfoin is a perennial, spreading or suberect herb 10–25 cm high, with a short stem. Leaves alternate, compound, imparipinnate, leaflets ovoid to suborbicular 10-40 x 5–30 mm with characteristic bronze venation (hence venosa), hairy only along margins. Zygomorphic flowers with yellow petals with conspicuous dark-red nerves in axillary racemes. Flowers from February to May. The fruit is a circular flattened hairy pod.