Ontario sex education curriculum controversy

The Ontario sex education curriculum controversy refers to the debates over reforms of the sex education curriculum in the province of Ontario during the 2010s. In 2015, the government of Ontario, then led by Kathleen Wynne, introduced a new sex ed curriculum, updating it for the first time since 1998 and including topics such as sharing explicit content online, sexual orientation, and gender identity. However, a number of protests broke out against the new curriculum, and after the 2018 Ontario general election, the new provincial government, led by Doug Ford, announced that it would be scrapping the changes and reverting back to the 1998 curriculum. This move caused a further eruption of protests, by supporters of the new curriculum this time, and in 2019, the government announced a diff

Ontario sex education curriculum controversy

The Ontario sex education curriculum controversy refers to the debates over reforms of the sex education curriculum in the province of Ontario during the 2010s. In 2015, the government of Ontario, then led by Kathleen Wynne, introduced a new sex ed curriculum, updating it for the first time since 1998 and including topics such as sharing explicit content online, sexual orientation, and gender identity. However, a number of protests broke out against the new curriculum, and after the 2018 Ontario general election, the new provincial government, led by Doug Ford, announced that it would be scrapping the changes and reverting back to the 1998 curriculum. This move caused a further eruption of protests, by supporters of the new curriculum this time, and in 2019, the government announced a diff