
Openowledge (Korean:오픈놀리지) is an educational and nonprofit organization managed by students of CheongShim International Academy. The project was launched on January 2013 by the founder Jin-Woo Yu. The stated mission is to "allow students in South Korea to easily learn and study the lectures on their website. The courses on the site includes videos translated from Khan Academy as well as those originally created by students. The subjects include: Calculus, Western Philosophy, Problems in Economics, and neuroscience. The total number of views is estimated to be about 26,300.


Openowledge (Korean:오픈놀리지) is an educational and nonprofit organization managed by students of CheongShim International Academy. The project was launched on January 2013 by the founder Jin-Woo Yu. The stated mission is to "allow students in South Korea to easily learn and study the lectures on their website. The courses on the site includes videos translated from Khan Academy as well as those originally created by students. The subjects include: Calculus, Western Philosophy, Problems in Economics, and neuroscience. The total number of views is estimated to be about 26,300.