Operation Braddock

Operation Braddock was a secret service measure planned and carried out by the British Special Operations Executive (SOE) from 1943 onwards during the Second World War. The aim was to create confusion, fears, insecurity and demoralisation in enemy territory by dropping so-called "attack packages". The dropped packages were to contain special grenades, pocket flares, a small firearm or incendiary devices. Subversive forces, prisoners of war or forced labourers, equipped with these and operating in the enemy territory, should then carry out attacks that become a significant threat to the enemy.

Operation Braddock

Operation Braddock was a secret service measure planned and carried out by the British Special Operations Executive (SOE) from 1943 onwards during the Second World War. The aim was to create confusion, fears, insecurity and demoralisation in enemy territory by dropping so-called "attack packages". The dropped packages were to contain special grenades, pocket flares, a small firearm or incendiary devices. Subversive forces, prisoners of war or forced labourers, equipped with these and operating in the enemy territory, should then carry out attacks that become a significant threat to the enemy.