Operation Claw

Operation Claw (Norwegian: Lillehammer-kuppet) was a joint Swedish–American operation, with Norwegian support, that was carried out at Lillehammer shortly after the German capitulation by the end of World War II. Thirty-five German intelligence specialists were transferred along with various equipment first to Sweden and then to U.S. camps in occupied Germany through an agreement between the Americans and the German High Command of the Wehrmacht in Norway.

Operation Claw

Operation Claw (Norwegian: Lillehammer-kuppet) was a joint Swedish–American operation, with Norwegian support, that was carried out at Lillehammer shortly after the German capitulation by the end of World War II. Thirty-five German intelligence specialists were transferred along with various equipment first to Sweden and then to U.S. camps in occupied Germany through an agreement between the Americans and the German High Command of the Wehrmacht in Norway.