Operation Mersad

Operation Mersad (Persian: عملیات مرصاد‎, lit. Operation Ambush, Iranian codename), alternatively referred to as Operation Forough Javidan (Persian: عملیات فروغ جاویدان‎, lit. Operation Eternal Light, MeK's codename), was the last major military operation of the Iran–Iraq War, conducted by and ending in a decisive victory for Iran. The operation involved a successful counterattack against a July 1988 military incursion from Iraq by a military force of about 7,000 militants from the Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK). The MEK militants were armed, equipped and given air support by the Iraqi military. Led by Lieutenant-General Ali Sayad Shirazi, Operation Mersad began on 26 July 1988 and lasted only a few days, whereby the Iranian Armed Forces crushed the MEK in what was the last military operation of

Operation Mersad

Operation Mersad (Persian: عملیات مرصاد‎, lit. Operation Ambush, Iranian codename), alternatively referred to as Operation Forough Javidan (Persian: عملیات فروغ جاویدان‎, lit. Operation Eternal Light, MeK's codename), was the last major military operation of the Iran–Iraq War, conducted by and ending in a decisive victory for Iran. The operation involved a successful counterattack against a July 1988 military incursion from Iraq by a military force of about 7,000 militants from the Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK). The MEK militants were armed, equipped and given air support by the Iraqi military. Led by Lieutenant-General Ali Sayad Shirazi, Operation Mersad began on 26 July 1988 and lasted only a few days, whereby the Iranian Armed Forces crushed the MEK in what was the last military operation of