Operation Trenton

Operation Trenton was the contribution of the United Kingdom in support of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). It was one of the largest UK operational deployments at the time, with over 300 military personnel committed to it, based within two UN locations in Malakal and Bentiu. The operation consisted of an engineering task force, with the bulk of the units from the Royal Engineers, in addition to military medics, logisticians and force protection personnel. After four years, it ended with the construction of two hospitals and various upgrades to public infrastructure with several units receiving medals for their involvement.

Operation Trenton

Operation Trenton was the contribution of the United Kingdom in support of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). It was one of the largest UK operational deployments at the time, with over 300 military personnel committed to it, based within two UN locations in Malakal and Bentiu. The operation consisted of an engineering task force, with the bulk of the units from the Royal Engineers, in addition to military medics, logisticians and force protection personnel. After four years, it ended with the construction of two hospitals and various upgrades to public infrastructure with several units receiving medals for their involvement.