Operation Wheeler/Wallowa

Operation Wheeler/Wallowa was a U.S. offensive operation during the Vietnam War, launched on 11 September 1967 as two separate operations and concluding in November 1968. Initially as Operation Wheeler and Wallowa; this was merged in November 1967 as Wheeler/Wallowa. Initially conducted by the 101st Airborne Division and 1st Cavalry Division, Wheeler/Wallowa it was progressively taken over by 23rd Infantry (Americal) Division. Some of the Tiger Force killings took place during the operation.

Operation Wheeler/Wallowa

Operation Wheeler/Wallowa was a U.S. offensive operation during the Vietnam War, launched on 11 September 1967 as two separate operations and concluding in November 1968. Initially as Operation Wheeler and Wallowa; this was merged in November 1967 as Wheeler/Wallowa. Initially conducted by the 101st Airborne Division and 1st Cavalry Division, Wheeler/Wallowa it was progressively taken over by 23rd Infantry (Americal) Division. Some of the Tiger Force killings took place during the operation.