Operation al-Mizan

The Operation al-Mizan (English: Operation Justice /ɒpərəɪʃən dʒʌstɪs/) was a series of strategic military campaigns conducted by the Pakistan army and 10,000 United States special operations forces from 2002 to 2006. It continued for five years in various phases eventually, several other operations including, the Operation Carlosa II. Al-Mizan was the first major operation of Pakistani troops to combat foreign militant outfits in North Waziristan of North-West Frontier Province. An estimate of 70,000 to 80,000 troops were deployed in affected areas.

Operation al-Mizan

The Operation al-Mizan (English: Operation Justice /ɒpərəɪʃən dʒʌstɪs/) was a series of strategic military campaigns conducted by the Pakistan army and 10,000 United States special operations forces from 2002 to 2006. It continued for five years in various phases eventually, several other operations including, the Operation Carlosa II. Al-Mizan was the first major operation of Pakistani troops to combat foreign militant outfits in North Waziristan of North-West Frontier Province. An estimate of 70,000 to 80,000 troops were deployed in affected areas.