Ops (mythology)

In Greek mythology, the name Ops (Ancient Greek: Ὤψ) may refer to: * Ops (male), son of Peisenor and father of Eurycleia. He may or may not be the same as Ops, father of Melas. * Ops (female), mother of Eurypylus by Euaemon. In some accounts, the mother of son was called Deipyle .

Ops (mythology)

In Greek mythology, the name Ops (Ancient Greek: Ὤψ) may refer to: * Ops (male), son of Peisenor and father of Eurycleia. He may or may not be the same as Ops, father of Melas. * Ops (female), mother of Eurypylus by Euaemon. In some accounts, the mother of son was called Deipyle .