Orang Kaya Indera Perba Jelai

Orang Kaya Indera Perba Jelai is a nobility title in Pahang Sultanate and one of the four highest ranking nobles below the monarch. The title traces its origin from the times of the Old Pahang Sultanate, and was historically known as Seri Maharaja Perba. The traditional pegangan ('fief') of the nobility is the land from Tanjung Lindung, the entire Jelai River basin (roughly covering the Cameron Highlands and Kuala Lipis constituencies), to the borders of Perak and Kelantan, excluding the Tembeling. It is the largest fief in size and the farthest in distance from the royal court in Pekan, thus making the Maharaja Perba the most powerful among the four major chiefs.

Orang Kaya Indera Perba Jelai

Orang Kaya Indera Perba Jelai is a nobility title in Pahang Sultanate and one of the four highest ranking nobles below the monarch. The title traces its origin from the times of the Old Pahang Sultanate, and was historically known as Seri Maharaja Perba. The traditional pegangan ('fief') of the nobility is the land from Tanjung Lindung, the entire Jelai River basin (roughly covering the Cameron Highlands and Kuala Lipis constituencies), to the borders of Perak and Kelantan, excluding the Tembeling. It is the largest fief in size and the farthest in distance from the royal court in Pekan, thus making the Maharaja Perba the most powerful among the four major chiefs.