Order of the Christian Charity

The Order of Christian Charity was, supposedly, founded in 1589 by the French King Henry III and was granted to disabled veterans. S1 S2 According to Favin, but wrong according to Bullot & Hélyot, those received in the order were wearing on their coats an anchored-cross embroidery in satin or white taffeta, lined with blue silk, charged in its center with a blue satin diamond, embroidered with a gold fleur-de-lis. Around the cross was embroidered "Pour avoir fidellement servi" ("For having faithfully served").S1 Ackermann mentions this chivalric order as historical order of France. S2

Order of the Christian Charity

The Order of Christian Charity was, supposedly, founded in 1589 by the French King Henry III and was granted to disabled veterans. S1 S2 According to Favin, but wrong according to Bullot & Hélyot, those received in the order were wearing on their coats an anchored-cross embroidery in satin or white taffeta, lined with blue silk, charged in its center with a blue satin diamond, embroidered with a gold fleur-de-lis. Around the cross was embroidered "Pour avoir fidellement servi" ("For having faithfully served").S1 Ackermann mentions this chivalric order as historical order of France. S2