Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force

The Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force is a federal drug enforcement program in the United States, overseen by the Attorney General and the Department of Justice. It primarily concerns itself with the disruption of major drug trafficking operations and related crimes, such as money laundering, tax and weapon violations, and violent crime. The task force was created in 1982, and employs approximately 2500 agents. Since the formation of the organization, its operations have led to more than 44,000 drug-related convictions and the seizure of over $3.0 billion in cash and property assets.

Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force

The Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force is a federal drug enforcement program in the United States, overseen by the Attorney General and the Department of Justice. It primarily concerns itself with the disruption of major drug trafficking operations and related crimes, such as money laundering, tax and weapon violations, and violent crime. The task force was created in 1982, and employs approximately 2500 agents. Since the formation of the organization, its operations have led to more than 44,000 drug-related convictions and the seizure of over $3.0 billion in cash and property assets.