
Orgazmo is a 1997 American sex comedy superhero film written, directed and edited by Trey Parker and produced by Matt Stone, Jason McHugh, and Fran Rubel Kuzui. It stars Parker, Stone, Dian Bachar, Robyn Lynne, and Michael Dean Jacobs. The plot follows Joe Young (Parker), a devout Mormon missionary who, to pay for his and his fiancée's dream wedding and home, hesitantly participates in a pornographic film for an abusive director. Orgazmo is Parker and Stone's second film, following 1993's Cannibal! The Musical.


Orgazmo is a 1997 American sex comedy superhero film written, directed and edited by Trey Parker and produced by Matt Stone, Jason McHugh, and Fran Rubel Kuzui. It stars Parker, Stone, Dian Bachar, Robyn Lynne, and Michael Dean Jacobs. The plot follows Joe Young (Parker), a devout Mormon missionary who, to pay for his and his fiancée's dream wedding and home, hesitantly participates in a pornographic film for an abusive director. Orgazmo is Parker and Stone's second film, following 1993's Cannibal! The Musical.