Origins: The Journey of Humankind

Origins: The Journey of Humankind is an American documentary series that premiered on the National Geographic channel on 6 March 2017. Hosted by Jason Silva with narration from Mark Monroe, the series showcases through re-enactments the major inventions and events in the history of human evolution that have been responsible for our modernization. In the eight part series, each episode is themed on one aspect of human civilization: fire, medicine, money, communication, war, shelter, exploration and transportation. Jason Silva has mentioned the works of Marshall McLuhan to be instrumental in conceptualizing the show. Andrew Byrd, an academic expert in linguistics, assisted with the ancient languages spoken during the dramatization.

Origins: The Journey of Humankind

Origins: The Journey of Humankind is an American documentary series that premiered on the National Geographic channel on 6 March 2017. Hosted by Jason Silva with narration from Mark Monroe, the series showcases through re-enactments the major inventions and events in the history of human evolution that have been responsible for our modernization. In the eight part series, each episode is themed on one aspect of human civilization: fire, medicine, money, communication, war, shelter, exploration and transportation. Jason Silva has mentioned the works of Marshall McLuhan to be instrumental in conceptualizing the show. Andrew Byrd, an academic expert in linguistics, assisted with the ancient languages spoken during the dramatization.