
The orisha (spelled òrìṣà in the Yoruba language; orishá or orichá in Spanish-speaking countries of the Americas; orixá in Brazil) are spirits sent by Olodumare for the guidance of all creation and of humanity in particular, on how to live and be successful on Ayé (Earth). Rooted in the native religion of the Yoruba people, most orisha are said to have previously existed in the spirit world (òrún) as Irúnmọlẹ̀, and then become incarnated as human beings here on Earth. Others are said to be humans who are recognised as deities upon their death due to extraordinary feats accomplished in life.


The orisha (spelled òrìṣà in the Yoruba language; orishá or orichá in Spanish-speaking countries of the Americas; orixá in Brazil) are spirits sent by Olodumare for the guidance of all creation and of humanity in particular, on how to live and be successful on Ayé (Earth). Rooted in the native religion of the Yoruba people, most orisha are said to have previously existed in the spirit world (òrún) as Irúnmọlẹ̀, and then become incarnated as human beings here on Earth. Others are said to be humans who are recognised as deities upon their death due to extraordinary feats accomplished in life.