Oscar Comery

Oscar Joseph Comery (July 1886 – February 18, 1916) was a Canadian-American chauffeur hanged in Concord, New Hampshire for murdering his wife. Comery was born in Canada, the son of French Canadians Joseph Comery (also spelled Comire) and Celine Boisvert. According to the Concord Evening Monitor, Comery killed his wife on November 29, 1914. He was arrested on January 1, 1915, brought to trial on February 8, 1915, where he "pleaded guilty to murder in the first degree with the expectation that the court would sentence him to life imprisonment."

Oscar Comery

Oscar Joseph Comery (July 1886 – February 18, 1916) was a Canadian-American chauffeur hanged in Concord, New Hampshire for murdering his wife. Comery was born in Canada, the son of French Canadians Joseph Comery (also spelled Comire) and Celine Boisvert. According to the Concord Evening Monitor, Comery killed his wife on November 29, 1914. He was arrested on January 1, 1915, brought to trial on February 8, 1915, where he "pleaded guilty to murder in the first degree with the expectation that the court would sentence him to life imprisonment."