Osman Nuri Eralp

Osman Nuri Eralp (1876—1940, Istanbul) was a Turkish politician, veterinarian and microbiologist. Eralp was born in İstanbul, then in the Ottoman Empire, and now in Turkey. He completed his university education at "Mekteb-i Tıbbiye-i Mülkiye" which was the medical school of Darülfünun (House of Multiple Sciences, name of Istanbul University in Ottoman era). To continue studying for a post-graduate qualification, he attended Sorbonne and Pasteur Institute. After graduation, he worked as a veterinarian and also continued his researches. After 1908, he worked as a full-time academic at Istanbul University and Ankara University. He lectured on histology and embryology.

Osman Nuri Eralp

Osman Nuri Eralp (1876—1940, Istanbul) was a Turkish politician, veterinarian and microbiologist. Eralp was born in İstanbul, then in the Ottoman Empire, and now in Turkey. He completed his university education at "Mekteb-i Tıbbiye-i Mülkiye" which was the medical school of Darülfünun (House of Multiple Sciences, name of Istanbul University in Ottoman era). To continue studying for a post-graduate qualification, he attended Sorbonne and Pasteur Institute. After graduation, he worked as a veterinarian and also continued his researches. After 1908, he worked as a full-time academic at Istanbul University and Ankara University. He lectured on histology and embryology.