Osmo Tapio Räihälä

Osmo Tapio Everton Räihälä (born 15 January 1964; name sometimes spelled without umlauts) is a Finnish composer of contemporary music. He has mainly written instrumental music for various chamber music line-ups, five concertos (one for mallet instruments, a viola concerto, an oboe, a cello, and a French horn concerto) as well as for symphony orchestra.

Osmo Tapio Räihälä

Osmo Tapio Everton Räihälä (born 15 January 1964; name sometimes spelled without umlauts) is a Finnish composer of contemporary music. He has mainly written instrumental music for various chamber music line-ups, five concertos (one for mallet instruments, a viola concerto, an oboe, a cello, and a French horn concerto) as well as for symphony orchestra.