Osuwa Daiko

Osuwa Daiko (御諏訪太鼓) is a Japanese percussion group credited as the earliest groups to develop and perform the ensemble-style of taiko called kumi-daiko. Formed in Okaya, Japan in 1951 and founded by Daihachi Oguchi, Osuwa Daiko created a style of performance independent from performance during festivals, theatrical performance, and religious ceremonies, and transformed them into an ensemble performance. Contemporary taiko performance in Japan and in the rest of the world is widely based on the practices of Osuwa Daiko.

Osuwa Daiko

Osuwa Daiko (御諏訪太鼓) is a Japanese percussion group credited as the earliest groups to develop and perform the ensemble-style of taiko called kumi-daiko. Formed in Okaya, Japan in 1951 and founded by Daihachi Oguchi, Osuwa Daiko created a style of performance independent from performance during festivals, theatrical performance, and religious ceremonies, and transformed them into an ensemble performance. Contemporary taiko performance in Japan and in the rest of the world is widely based on the practices of Osuwa Daiko.