
Oteckovia (English: Dads) is a Slovak family comedy-drama television series based on the 2014 Argentine soap opera Señores Papis. The series is directed by Vladmir Fishcer, Adriana Totikova and Peter Minarcin, and produced by Michal Krajčík, Helena Mindeková, Nikol Šmátralová, Ivica Dubovska, Alexandra Dubovská and Ján Diepers. The main cast is Filip Tůma, Vladimir Kobielsky, Branislav Deák, Marek Fašiang, Zuzana Mauréry, Monika Hilmerová, Oliver Oswald, Mary Bartalos, Izabela Gavorníková, Zuzana Kravariková, and others. The plot concerns four fathers struggling to manage their family, children and estranged wives. The fathers must keep up with what is typically women's work and household activities. Minor roles consist of a pair of teenagers, platonic friends Luky and Nina—opposite their


Oteckovia (English: Dads) is a Slovak family comedy-drama television series based on the 2014 Argentine soap opera Señores Papis. The series is directed by Vladmir Fishcer, Adriana Totikova and Peter Minarcin, and produced by Michal Krajčík, Helena Mindeková, Nikol Šmátralová, Ivica Dubovska, Alexandra Dubovská and Ján Diepers. The main cast is Filip Tůma, Vladimir Kobielsky, Branislav Deák, Marek Fašiang, Zuzana Mauréry, Monika Hilmerová, Oliver Oswald, Mary Bartalos, Izabela Gavorníková, Zuzana Kravariková, and others. The plot concerns four fathers struggling to manage their family, children and estranged wives. The fathers must keep up with what is typically women's work and household activities. Minor roles consist of a pair of teenagers, platonic friends Luky and Nina—opposite their