Ouse to Ouse Tock

The Ouse to Ouse Tock (House to House Talk) was a three-day quarantine in Sierra Leone from 19 September 2014 to 21 September 2014. It was part of an effort to combat the Ebola virus epidemic in Sierra Leone, part of the Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa. One of the goals was to cut down on transmission within families, so individual homes were visited. There was concern that some families were harboring Ebola cases and that there was a lack of knowledge about the disease.

Ouse to Ouse Tock

The Ouse to Ouse Tock (House to House Talk) was a three-day quarantine in Sierra Leone from 19 September 2014 to 21 September 2014. It was part of an effort to combat the Ebola virus epidemic in Sierra Leone, part of the Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa. One of the goals was to cut down on transmission within families, so individual homes were visited. There was concern that some families were harboring Ebola cases and that there was a lack of knowledge about the disease.