Padmanabhan Palpu

Padmanabhan Palpu LMS, DPH (Cantab) FRIPH (London) (2 November 1863 – 25 January 1950) was the second public health doctor in Travancore and a social revolutionary, who become the chief medical officer of Mysore State. He was a member of the British Medical Council for Virology. Ritty Lukose describes him as the "political father" of the Ezhavas, who are numerically the largest caste in the region now encompassed by the state of Kerala. In 1903, he founded the Sree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam, (Society for the Propagation of the Religion of Sree Narayana) whose first president was Narayana Guru, who sought an end to the caste system and preached his concept of "one caste, one religion, one god."

Padmanabhan Palpu

Padmanabhan Palpu LMS, DPH (Cantab) FRIPH (London) (2 November 1863 – 25 January 1950) was the second public health doctor in Travancore and a social revolutionary, who become the chief medical officer of Mysore State. He was a member of the British Medical Council for Virology. Ritty Lukose describes him as the "political father" of the Ezhavas, who are numerically the largest caste in the region now encompassed by the state of Kerala. In 1903, he founded the Sree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam, (Society for the Propagation of the Religion of Sree Narayana) whose first president was Narayana Guru, who sought an end to the caste system and preached his concept of "one caste, one religion, one god."