Pagani Detention Center

Pagani Detention Center is a detention center in the island of Lesbos, Greece for asylum seekers who arrive by boat from Turkey. A converted former storage facility in Lesbos, the center was designed for 300 people, but at times housed up to 1,200 asylum seekers in cramped conditions, often lacking in medical care and subject to beatings from the guards, drawing condemnation from Greek and foreign humanitarian watchdogs. On 18 August 2009, 160 under-age refugees, who were detained in a single room and sharing the same toilet, started a hunger strike demanding immediate freedom.

Pagani Detention Center

Pagani Detention Center is a detention center in the island of Lesbos, Greece for asylum seekers who arrive by boat from Turkey. A converted former storage facility in Lesbos, the center was designed for 300 people, but at times housed up to 1,200 asylum seekers in cramped conditions, often lacking in medical care and subject to beatings from the guards, drawing condemnation from Greek and foreign humanitarian watchdogs. On 18 August 2009, 160 under-age refugees, who were detained in a single room and sharing the same toilet, started a hunger strike demanding immediate freedom.