Painter of Acropolis 606

The Painter of Acropolis 606 (sometimes Painter of Athens 606) was a black-figure vase painter, active around 570–560 BC. His name vase is a dinos discovered on the Athenian Acropolis and now on display in the National Museum at Athens (inventory acr. 606). The vase is representative of the "new seriousness" which was then emerging in Attic painting. On its main frieze, it depicts a battle between warriors and chariots. R.M. Cook says:

Painter of Acropolis 606

The Painter of Acropolis 606 (sometimes Painter of Athens 606) was a black-figure vase painter, active around 570–560 BC. His name vase is a dinos discovered on the Athenian Acropolis and now on display in the National Museum at Athens (inventory acr. 606). The vase is representative of the "new seriousness" which was then emerging in Attic painting. On its main frieze, it depicts a battle between warriors and chariots. R.M. Cook says: